Conditions applying to grants from the Gifford-Eiby fund
The benefits of the Gifford-Eiby Memorial Lectureship Fund are available to any Affiliated Society or group of RASNZ members that can guarantee an attendance of at least twenty people at any lecture or at least four people at any instructional class organised under the scheme.
Lecturers appointed are to be known as Gifford-Eiby Memorial Lecturers of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, and are to be so identified by the Chairman at meetings and in all publicity of the meetings.
RASNZ pays part or all of the return fares by public transport for distances up to 800 km each way. Reasonable incidental travel expenses for the lecturer may be met by the Gifford-Eiby fund on receipt of a report and account of expenditure by the lecturer. These are based on public transport costs. Receipts and/or ticket stubs should be presented.
Affiliated Societies benefitting agree to:
- provide accommodation of a standard acceptable to the lecturer.
- pay the cost of any travel in excess of 800 km.
- acknowledge at any Gifford-Eiby supported lecture the Gifford-Eiby Lectureship Scheme and the RASNZ during the introduction to the talk and in any publicity advertising the talk. A suitable acknowledgement would be:
"This lecture is being brought to you with the assistance of the Gifford-Eiby Memorial Lectureship Scheme administered by the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand."
This acknowledgement should be preceded by a short introduction of the lecturer and their field of expertise.
Applications should be made on the official application form (click here to download the form as a PDF) as early as possible, preferably at least three months prior to the intended date of the lecture. Alternatively, the form and further information is available from the Executive Secretary, RASNZ. Email enquiries to